View Our Videos

View our videos all about the latest medical studies and news to keep you healthy.  Dr. Marc Rabinowitz of Prevention First Healthcare, Southampton, PA, shares recent updates about health, wellness and preventative care.

Find out about the newest Weight Loss Medications

  Dr. Marc Rabinowitz of Prevention First Healthcare in Southampton, PA discusses the benefits of the newest weight loss medications: Ozempic, Wegovy, Zepbound, and Mounjaro. Learn how they can help some individuals successfully lose weight. 📞 Call us at 215-PREVENT with any questions. Consult with your physician about the use of these and other weight loss medicines.

Weight Loss Medications

Dr. Marc Rabinowitz of Prevention First Healthcare in Southampton, PA discusses the benefits and mechanisms of popular weight loss medications: Ozempic, Wegovy, Zepbound, and Mounjaro. Learn how these medications can help manage weight by increasing insulin production, decreasing appetite, and more. Consult with your physician about the use of these and other weight loss medicines.

Concierge Doctor

    Why you should sign up for our medical practice: ~ immediate access to your doctor ~ same day sick appointments ~our staff helps with testing and specialist referrals and appointments ~access to your doctor’s cell phone Don’t get shut out of your doctor’s office. Get the health care you deserve.

Who fights for you when you are ill?

Who fights for you when you are ill? We do every day at Prevention First Healthcare. Do a little experiment for me right now. Pull out your cell phone, call your doctor, and see if you can get an appointment today. See if you can reach your doctor on their personal cell phone. I know that you can’t. Only at Prevention First Healthcare do we fight for our patients when they are ill every single day, seven days a week, 24 hours a day. When a patient comes in with a potentially serious problem, does your doctor get on the … Continue reading Who fights for you when you are ill?

How much is the value of a life?

How much is the value of a life? Is the value of a life worth $5 a day? Is it worth a premium cup of coffee or iced tea? That’s all it costs to be a member of Prevention First Healthcare. Sure, insurance is nice when you’re ill, but it’s not getting you into your doctor’s office when you don’t feel well, at least not for three months. It’s all about access to your physician. When you don’t feel well, you call our office that has live receptionists. Private phone lines are answered immediately. If you need to be seen, … Continue reading How much is the value of a life?

Is your Doctor Available for you?

  Is your Doctor Available for you? The 3 A’s of medical care are: ~Ability ~Affability ~Availability Fortunately, most doctors are able, hopefully they are affable, but what they are NO longer, is available. Is your doctor AVAILABLE for you? At Prevention First Healthcare, our physician, Dr. Marc Rabinowitz, is available for you when you need it! We started Prevention First Healthcare with the notion that we want to be as available as possible to our patients when they need us the most. Many doctors only have 7-10 minutes to give for each patient visit. Our doctor provides an hour … Continue reading Is your Doctor Available for you?

Tripledemic Winter 2022-2023

  There’s a tripledemic this winter of 2022-2023. If you are not feeling well, it could be Covid-19, the Flu, or RSV. Call your doctor to find out about testing. If you haven’t received your Covid-19 or Flu vaccines, please contact your physician.  They are helpful in prevention the spread of these viruses.  The elderly are especially vulnerable with these infections.  The tripledemic is easing and even starting to decline overall, however, it’s smart to keep your guard up. Our patients at Prevention First Healthcare have immediate accessibility to their doctor and appointments if they are sick. Call 215-PREVENT if … Continue reading Tripledemic Winter 2022-2023

Preventative and Routine Medical Care

Preventative medical care is crucial to your good health and wellness. There is no reason to forego routine medical checks and tests. By staying ahead of your health care, and keeping up with your annual exams and tests, you can prevent disease. Four out of the five leading causes of death are caused by chronic diseases that are either preventable or likely to be manageable with regular access to healthcare. Get access with our concierge medical practice at Prevention First Healthcare, located in Bucks County, PA

Access to Your Healthcare Provider

  The last few years have been very trying for people to see their doctors, or get Access to Your Healthcare Provider, especially during the Coronavirus pandemic. With Prevention First Healthcare, we are accessible to our patients 24/7. Not a day goes by where we don’t get questions about Coronavirus symptoms, treatment, vaccines, etc. And we are here to help answer those questions ASAP. Get access to a medical doctor when you need it. When a patient joins our concierge practice in Southampton, Bucks County, PA, they are insuring that their healthcare needs come first. Our goal is for our … Continue reading Access to Your Healthcare Provider

Should I Get a Fourth Covid-19 Vaccine?

Should I Get a Fourth Covid-19 Vaccine? We are getting this question frequently from our patients. Listen to Dr. Marc Rabinowitz of Prevention First Healthcare, a concierge medical practice in Southampton, Bucks County, PA discuss who should get a 4th vaccine.

Preventative Care During the Pandemic

We cannot let our preventative health take a pass because we’re afraid to go see the doctor.

Do Not Delay Medical Care

Do no delay medical care during the pandemic.

The flu season during a pandemic

It’s more important than ever to get your flu shot this year. During the coronavirus pandemic, the flu is not going away. Make sure you consult with your doctor and protect yourself from the seasonal flu. Prevention First Healthcare provides an annual physical of an hour and a half to review all of your health needs and make recommendations for vaccinations and follow ups. If this is the type of medical care you desire, contact us at 215-PREVENT.

How to have a Safe Doctor’s Visit during Coronavirus

See what steps Dr. Marc Rabinowitz and his team at Prevention First Healthcare are taking to keep patients safe (Coronavirus pandemic) during their office visits at their Southampton, PA Concierge Medical practice.. We want you to feel safe going to the doctor.

Physician access during the pandemic

Find out more about what Dr. Marc Rabinowitz of Prevention First Healthcare says about Telehealth and having access to your doctor during a pandemic.

All About Our Bucks County Concierge Medical Practice

About Bucks County, PA Concierge Doctor's Office, Prevention First Healthcare, in Southampton, PA.  Dr. Marc Rabinowitz 

Coronavirus: Being hopeful

Dr. Marc Rabinowitz of Prevention First Healthcare speaks about Coronavirus updates. We are hopeful that with future testing and research, a coronavirus vaccine will be available in 2021.

Coronavirus: Vaccine Update

Dr. Marc Rabinowitz of Prevention First Healthcare discusses the latest information about Coronavirus. We don’t have current treatment options. Preliminary vaccine possibilities are being tested for a potential COVID-19 vaccine available in 2021. Stay in touch with your doctor’s office.  

Coronavirus advice: Wash your hands.

Coronavirus advice from Dr. Marc Rabinowitz of Prevention First Healthcare. Wash your hands frequently and refrain from touching your face. Recite the alphabet when you wash your hands with antibacterial soap. Use Purell frequently.

Coronavirus Information about travel

Coronavirus concern: What should I do if I come in contact with someone who has recently travelled? Watch Dr. Marc Rabinowitz as he tackles this and other relevant Coronavirus concerns at

Coronavirus Information about senior citizens

Watch this tip of the day from Dr. Marc Rabinowitz of Prevention First Healthcare. The elderly are most susceptible when it comes to COVID-19. Please be careful when visiting senior or elderly relatives and friends.

Coronavirus Update

Dr. Marc Rabinowitz of Prevention First Healthcare updates patients about Coronavirus.

Welcome to Prevention First Healthcare

Welcome to Prevention First Healthcare!  Watch this video to learn about our medical practice located in Southampton, PA.    Dr. Marc Rabinowitz and his staff make sure that you are provided more than a traditional medical practice.   Your health and wellness is our priority.

How to Stay Healthy in 2020

How to stay healthy in 2020.

Taking Aspirin?

Are you over 70 years old and taking aspirin to prevent stroke or heart attack?  The latest studies from the New England Journal of Medicine provides new information to discuss with your doctor.  There may not be a benefit to taking aspirin as a preventative measure if you are healthy and over 70.

What to do about this year’s flu.

  The Flu Season for 2018-2019 has begun.  Get your flu shot today and learn about what to do about this year’s flu.  Call 215-PREVENT for more information.   Featuring Dr. Marc Rabinowitz of Prevention First Healthcare, Southampton, Bucks County, PA.  A concierge medical practice for seniors, busy executives and those who want VIP access to healthcare.  This includes same day appointments, specialist appointment scheduling, 24/7 access to your doctor via his cell phone, house calls if needed and more!   #flu #flushot #conciergemedicine #conciergedoctor #buckscountyphysician  

New Shingles Vaccine

The CDC recommends that healthy adults 50 years and older get two doses of Shingrix, 2 to 6 months apart. Shingrix provides strong protection against shingles and PHN. Shingrix is the preferred vaccine, over Zostavax®, a shingles vaccine in use since 2006. Prevention First Healthcare is a concierge medical practice in Bucks County, PA providing patients with detailed care, easy access to their doctor and no waiting for an appointment.

New Blood Pressure Recommendations

Dr. Marc Rabinowitz of Prevention First Healthcare discusses the latest Blood Pressure Recommendations. The only way to know if you have high blood pressure is to have your blood pressure tested. Understanding your blood pressure numbers is key to controlling high blood pressure. Consult with your physician.

Preventing Dementia

Dr. Marc Rabinowitz of Prevention First Healthcare, Southampton, Bucks County, PA discusses Dementia. A new study shows women who exercise at a high cardiovascular level will have an 88% less likelihood of developing dementia. Why is that?


Dr. Marc Rabinowitz of Prevention First Healthcare discusses the latest advancements when someone is having a stroke. Get to a hospital right away if you are experiencing loss of neurological function or slurred speech.

Are You Frustrated By Today’s Current Healthcare Experience?

Frustrated with today’s current healthcare experience? Call us at 215-PREVENT to be seen the same day you call, we have office visits to address all of your concerns,  you’re not rushed out after 10 minutes, and we schedule your testing and specialist visits. For after-hours emergencies, you will have access to my personal cell phone number.

Health Screening, Sleep Disorders Are a Serious Problem

Are You A Busy Working Professional Who Can’t Afford To Be Sick?

Your Time And Life Are Valued By Dr. Marc

Eating A Mediterranean Diet

Loving & Compassionate Medical Care