Coronavirus: Vaccine Update

Dr. Marc Rabinowitz of Prevention First Healthcare discusses the latest information about Coronavirus. We don’t have current treatment options. Preliminary vaccine possibilities are being tested for a potential COVID-19 vaccine available in 2021. Stay in touch with your doctor’s office.


Coronavirus advice: Wash your hands.

Coronavirus advice from Dr. Marc Rabinowitz of Prevention First Healthcare. Wash your hands frequently and refrain from touching your face. Recite the alphabet when you wash your hands with antibacterial soap. Use Purell frequently.

Coronavirus Information about travel

Coronavirus concern: What should I do if I come in contact with someone who has recently travelled? Watch Dr. Marc Rabinowitz as he tackles this and other relevant Coronavirus concerns at

Coronavirus Information about senior citizens

Watch this tip of the day from Dr. Marc Rabinowitz of Prevention First Healthcare. The elderly are most susceptible when it comes to COVID-19. Please be careful when visiting senior or elderly relatives and friends.

Coronavirus Update

Dr. Marc Rabinowitz of Prevention First Healthcare speaks about Coronavirus.
March 12, 2020

Quoted in Reader’s Digest

Dr. Marc Rabinowitz was quoted in this recent Reader’s Digest Article about 14 Body Odors you should never ignore. by Lisa Marie Conklin.

We’ve outlined parts of the article below.  To read it in it’s entirety, go to

Body odor, from head to toes, can alert doctors to potential health issues—even cancer. Find out what those distinctive smells may signal.

Breath that smells musty or similar to garlic and rotten eggs is annoying on its own; it’s very concerning if you haven’t actually been eating garlic or eggs. Marc S. Rabinowitz, MD, of Prevention First Healthcare tells Reader’s Digest that if the liver starts failing at its job of detoxifying the blood—this can happen with cirrhosis, for example—your breath can go sour. It’s important to see your doctor soon: A study in the Journal of Chromatography B reveals that cirrhosis of the liver can be virtually symptom-free; this may be your best and earliest warning sign. Check out these 8 tips for getting rid of garlic breath.

“A person with kidney failure may have breath that smells like ammonia or urine,” says Dr. Rabinowitz. That’s because your kidneys are failing to filter waste products from your body. Kidney failure comes on slowly: If you also have muscle cramps or swelling in your feet and ankles, or if your bathroom habits have changed, get checked out in a hurry. Check out these 12 diseases doctors can detect by smell.


How to Stay Healthy in 2020

How to stay healthy as you age.

Remain physically fit.

Find exercise plan that fits into your lifestyle. Strive towards a goal to run a 10K or 5K race or walk, tone your muscles, get stronger and have more balance. Contact Dr. Marc Rabinowitz for exercise ideas at any age.

Talk to us about scheduling a Free Consultation.

Taking Aspirin?

Are you over 70 years old and taking aspirin to prevent stroke or heart attack?  The latest studies from the New England Journal of Medicine provides new information to discuss with your doctor.  There may not be a benefit to taking aspirin as a preventative measure if you are healthy and over 70.

What to do about this year’s flu.


The Flu Season for 2018-2019 has begun.  Get your flu shot today and learn about what to do about this year’s flu.  Call 215-PREVENT for more information.


Featuring Dr. Marc Rabinowitz of Prevention First Healthcare, Southampton, Bucks County, PA.  A concierge medical practice for seniors, busy executives and those who want VIP access to healthcare.  This includes same day appointments, specialist appointment scheduling, 24/7 access to your doctor via his cell phone, house calls if needed and more!


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