Preventative Care During the Pandemic

“Preventative medical care should never take a backseat, even during a pandemic.” Don’t put off your regular medical checks such as mammographies, colonoscopies, dermatological skin checks, etc. The medical community is making every effort to ensure you are safe when you go for these visits.

We cannot let our preventative health take a pass because we’re afraid to go see the doctor.

If you are interested in finding out more about our practice, Prevention First Healthcare, please call us at 215-PREVENT.

Do Not Delay Medical Care

Dr. Marc Rabinowitz of Prevention First Healthcare

Do not be afraid or delay medical care if you need it due to fear of contracting coronavirus. People are waiting too long to get medical attention for other illnesses and issues which can sometime cause more severe problems. Please don’t hesitate to get medical care if you need it, as you would prior to the pandemic.

Contact 215-PREVENT if you are interested in learning more about our medical practice or want to make an appointment for a consultation.

Quoted in Men’s Health

Dr. Marc Rabinowitz of Prevention First Healthcare was quoted in this November 17, 2020 Men’s Health article,

Your Thanksgiving Plans Aren’t Worth the Risk

Nearly 40% of Americans say they’ll gather in large groups for the holidays. Please don’t do it.

“For Marc S. Rabinowitz MD, founder of Prevention First Healthcare in Southampton, PA, who himself had COVID-19, many of his patients who have tested positive have traced the source of their infection back to gatherings of multiple people who were not wearing masks.”

Read the full article here.

The flu season during a pandemic

It’s more important than ever to get your flu shot this year. During the coronavirus pandemic, the flu is not going away. Make sure you consult with your doctor and protect yourself from the seasonal flu. Prevention First Healthcare provides an annual physical of an hour and a half to review all of your health needs and make recommendations for vaccinations and follow ups.

If this is the type of medical care you desire, contact us at 215-PREVENT.

How to have a Safe Doctor’s Visit during Coronavirus

Dr. Marc Rabinowitz of Prevention First Healthcare

See what steps Dr. Marc Rabinowitz and his team at Prevention First Healthcare are taking to keep patients safe (Coronavirus pandemic) during their office visits at their Southampton, PA Concierge Medical practice.. We want you to feel safe going to the doctor.

Physician access during the pandemic

Find out more about what Dr. Marc Rabinowitz of Prevention First Healthcare says about Telehealth and having access to your doctor during a pandemic.

Covid-19 Information for Patients

During this pandemic, Prevention First Healthcare is taking the appropriate steps to protect our patients as well as our staff.

Please review our Coronavirus/Covid-19 information for patients.

If you are experiencing symptoms such as fever, cough, shortness of breath, alteration in taste or smell, body aches, headache, sore throat or diarrhea, please call the office at 215-PRE-VENT and we will direct you how to proceed.
All patients are screened by phone before appointments are scheduled.
In certain circumstances patients are evaluated while they remain in their car. Their temperature is taken and Covid-19 testing may be performed as well, via nasal swab. 

Our office remains open to serve our patients with all of their healthcare needs as it always has.
-We see one patient at a time, with no one in the waiting room.
-Our patients are given a mask and gloves upon entry to the office.
-The rooms are disinfected thoroughly between visits and all staff are practicing social distancing, washing hands, using hand sanitizer, and wearing masks & gloves.
-We offer coronavirus antibody testing from blood samples. These are sent to either Lab Corp or Quest to ensure reliability.

It is important to see our patients In-Person.
Many times the diagnosis of medical problems can only be made by performing a physical examination in conjunction with taking medical history.
Often, just looking at a patient is an indication of how ill they may be.
We are also continuing to coordinate ALL aspects of medical care by directly communicating with subspecialists and arranging appointments, even during this period of time where there is limited access to care. 

We continue to provide after-hours care as I may be reached directly by my cell phone for urgent problems. 

It remains our privilege at Prevention First Healthcare to care for the many people who trust us with the most important thing in their life, their health. 

Marc S. Rabinowitz M.D.

Coronavirus: Being hopeful

Dr. Marc Rabinowitz of Prevention First Healthcare speaks about Coronavirus updates.

We are hopeful that with future testing and research, a coronavirus vaccine will be available in 2021.